Homeopathic Treatment for GERD
Since GERD can be very unwanted, especially after meals, people want to treat it as soon as possible. Homeopathy helps in curbing the disease and it also prevents relapse
of the condition. Since homeopathy is considered to be a gentle cure, you will not even notice unwanted side effects when using homeopathy to treat GERD.
Homeopathic medicines are provided after understanding the medical and genetic history of the patient to make sure that the treatment will be suitable for them.
Homeopathic medicines can help a patient strengthen the LES and also ensure appropriate pH balance by restoring the functioning of the digestive system. By providing
a long lasting cure instead of simply suppressing the symptoms, homeopathy is one of the best ways to cure GERD.
GERD, short for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is the condition where food from your stomach travels back into the oesophagus. Normally, the Lower Oesophageal
Sphincter (LES) opens when food passes through the oesophagus to the stomach and then it closes itself so that the acids created in the stomach for the digestion
of food does not flow into the oesophagus. The disease is characteristic of a weak LES which may end up relaxing in an untimely manner.
When the LES is very weak then the disease can be very intense. A lot of times, hiatal hernia is considered to be a primary reason for GERD because in hiatal hernia,
the stomach ends up moving above the diaphragm which changes the way your stomach digests food.
GERD is usually common among people who do not have a very healthy lifestyle. Smoking is also known to be a reason for the relaxation of the LES. Pregnant women often suffer from GERD as well.
Symptoms and Signs
Heartburn is one of the most common symptoms of GERD. When the acid travel back into the oesophagus, then it is characterized by a burning pain in the chest which is referred to as heartburn.
Some people who suffer from GERD may talk about a sour taste in the mouth which may be caused by food returning into the mouth. It leaves a bitter taste and makes you feel uncomfortable.
For most of the people, GERD is a rare phenomenon, but for some, it becomes chronic and the symptoms persist when there is no treatment or because of ignorance of the problem.
Chronic GERD can harm the oesophagus so it is important to treat it without delay.
A doctor diagnoses GERD by checking for the symptoms and asking the patient about current medications, lifestyle and food habits. This helps them understand the reason of the problem.
Usually, GERD does not require any physical examination, unless the patient is complaining of chronic GERD which has persisted despite the use of medicines. In such cases, Endoscopy may
be considered for the patients. There is a chance that other tests may follow if the results from the endoscopy are not clear enough. Some doctors may even consider pH testing to understand the reason behind GERD in you.